- 반짝반짝열매는 비둘기 퇴치 전문 업체입니다.
Construction Process
반짝반짝열매는 오직 비둘기 퇴치만을 전문으로 시공합니다.
Installation process
단계별 시공 내용 안내
현장 조사를 통해 비둘기의 활동과 서식지를 분석하고, 최적의 위치에 방조망을 설치하기 위한 계획을 수립합니다.
전문가들이 정확하게 설치를 진행하고 완료 후에는 완성도를 검토하여 유지 보수 및 관리를 진행합니다.

상담 · 문의 · 예약
현장을 방문하여 적합한 방식을 결정합니다.

방문 · 1차 소독 · 작업절차 안내
1차 소독을 통해 조류관련 세균을 제거합니다.

비둘기 배설물 제거
세척을 통해 배설물을 제거하여
미관을 개선합니다.

실외기 및 실외기 공간 세척
배설물과 먼지로 얼룩진 실외기 공간을 세척합니다.
- 고온스팀세척 · 고압세척 중 선택

창문 · 창틀 · 방충망 세척
배설물과 먼지로 얼룩진 창문, 창틀, 방충망을 세척합니다.

비둘기 접근 원천봉쇄 시공
- A 타입 : 방조망
- B 타입 : 지붕형
- C 타입 : 스파이크
※ 3가지 타입 중 선택 설치/ 협의 필요

연막살균 · 소독
연막살균과 소독을 통해
조류관련 세균증식을 미연에 방지합니다.
- 선택사항/추가요금 없음

피톤치드 시공 · 탈취
피톤치드 시공과 탈취를 진행하여
쾌적한 환경을 조성합니다.
“Hub offers a range of skincare products that are feminine, delicate and long-lasting with vitamins and nutritions to improve your skin condition.“
“Subscribe and get 20% off your first purchase. Because we know just how is to get the size, color and even the garment right“
Hub offers a range of skincare products that are feminine, delicate and long-lasting with vitamins and nutritions to improve your skin condition."

Over 25 years of experience, we have crafted thousands of strategic discovery process that enables us to peel back the layers which enable us to understand, connect,
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quality, consciousness, and versatile design.
Over 25 years of experience, we have crafted thousands of strategic discovery process that enables us to peel back the layers which enable us to understand, connect, represent and dominate

Over 25 years of experience, we have crafted thousands of strategic discovery process that enables us to peel back the layers which enable us to understand, connect, represent and dominate your market. Because we know just how hard it is to get the size, color and even the garment right in the fashion.
The planet and your conscience will thank you. To help stem the flow of plastic into the ocean, we have committed to eliminating single-use plastic from th product range and food outlets by 2020.
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Original Products
Hub offers a range of skincare products that are feminine, delicate and long-lasting with vitamins and nutritions to improve your skin condition.
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Limited Time Offers
Hub offers a range of skincare products that are feminine, delicate and long-lasting with vitamins and nutritions to improve your skin condition.
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Free Shipping
Hub offers a range of skincare products that are feminine, delicate and long-lasting with vitamins and nutritions to improve your skin condition.
Over 25 years of experience, we have crafted thousands of strategic discovery process that enables us to peel back the layers which enable us to understand, connect,
- we love what we do
Volunteers around the globe
Our volunteers play an important role by working in a variety of areas, providing outreach to young people,
We want to change the world. Why not join us?
- we love what we do
Volunteers around the globe
Our volunteers play an important role by working in a variety of areas, providing outreach to young people,
We want to change the world. Why not join us?